You love this time of year.
The social media posts of your friends and relatives are full of pictures of graduation ceremonies, parties, and festivities. And as soon as the graduation parties end, the photos of summer trips and vacations begin. You watch college graduates leave for trips to Europe, high school students traveling across the country to make their first visits to college campuses, and you watch as families begin their summer trips to locations both near and far. And while you are envious of many of the place where your friends and family are going, you are also pretty excited about the summer destinations that you and your sisters will visit.
After trips out of the country and travels across the states, this year you and your two sisters have something different planned. You have decided to travel comfortably on a bus and visit some of the largest craft fairs and specialty markets in a five state area. In previous travels you have spent huge amounts of money on airfare, have travelled long distances in cars, and have even taken a trip by train once or twice, but this year you want the luxury of letting someone else do the driving while you enjoy the scenery that you so often miss because one of you is driving and the other two are watching for directions and landmarks.
On this bus charter the route is predetermined, the hotel reservations are made, and the hosts will be taking care of carrying the bags. With a couple stops to places that have been made popular by their shows on popular do-it-yourself
television programs, you are excited that storage space will not be an issue. With plenty of under the bus luggage space, your purchases and treasures can be carefully stowed away until you return home.
Bus Charters Provide Passengers with Plenty of Travel and Storage Space at an Affordable Price
As Americans continue to look for affordable ways to reach their travel destinations it should come as no surprise that more and more consumers are making the choice to travel by charter bus. In fact, statistics indicate that there are a number of reasons to travel by bus:
- No airline flight is without the hassle of getting through security, waiting in long lines to get to your seat, and expensive airfare. For travelers who decide to vacation by charter bus, though, these big airport problems are left behind. Instead, bus travelers enjoy more leg room, cheaper fares, and less wait time for departures.
- Every dollar invested in new motorcoaches generates an additional $1.65 of spending throughout numerous sectors of the economy, as the tour and travel industry benefits from the more than $1.2 billion spent each year.
- X-tra benefits of traveling by charter bus are the affordable, and sometimes included, group admission rates that a travel company can get. In addition, instead of having to deal with parking in many of the most crowded destinations in the country, charter buses simply work their way through bus drop off lines and locations, providing literal door to door service for their customers.
- The demand for services and goods created by motorcoach travel, combined with new industry equipment purchases and motorcoach sales, generates employment for 792,700 people.
- Statistics indicate that motorcoaches achieve 206.6 passenger miles per gallon (MPG). This is a very efficient rate when compared to other industries: commuter rail at 92.4 passenger MPG; transit buses at 31.4 passenger MPG; domestic airplanes at 44 passenger MPG; personal automobiles at 27.2 passenger MPG; and hybrid cars at 46 passenger MPG.
- Travel by each full motorcoach has the potential of removing as many as 55 vehicles from the highway, which reduces congestion, lowers energy use, and lessons emissions
- One motorcoach spending one night at a destination generates as much as $11,660 for that local economy, including money spent on meals, lodging, and other expenses. In a time when many local economies are struggling to bring in the revenue that they need, a charter bus stop can be a major economic benefit.
- Peole love to travel, but not everyone enjoys the details of planning a trip. Charter bus travel offers all of the benefits of a vacation, with none of the decision making responsibilities. Where are the places you will go this summer?