The Australian Bureau of Statistics reports that approximately 50% of Australians wear sunglasses. There are a number of reasons for this, including the challenges of a country famed for its sunlight and the accessory’s reputation as a fashion statement. However, whether you’re wearing designer sunglasses like Ray Bans or Oakleys, or currently do not have a pair of sunnies at all, it is important to make sure you own a pair and fix scratched sunglass lenses when necessary: doing so can mean a world of difference for the health of your eyes.
UV damage is commonly known to have an extremely damaging affect on skin, causing skin cancer and other problems. However, not as many people are aware that UV rays can have a similar impact on our eyes. Because UV rays are invisible to the human eyes, they could be affecting your eyes at any time, causing temporary or permanent vision damage and other problems. For this reason, sunglasses should block 98 to 99% of UV rays.
To adequately protect your eyes, it is important to choose the right type of sunglasses for the type of sun exposure you will typically receive. For example, because of how polarized lenses filter UV rays, polarized sunglasses are a popular choice for hunting, fishing, golfing, and driving long distances. How polarized lenses filter UV rays also allows them to be created in a variety of color tints for optimum clarity in different settings, while only allowing light that is not harmful to reach the eyes.
Sunglasses are a vital step in limiting your body’s sun exposure and preventing the effects of UV damage. However, many people do not buy sunglasses or replace their scratched, broken sunglasses because these products can often be quite expensive. However, replacing scratched sunglass lenses is a cost-effective way to protect your eyes and preserve your favorite sunglasses. It is possible to find everything from Ray Ban sunglasses replacement lenses to custom replacement lenses; you can even order polarized replacement lenses to ensure your favorite sunnies are properly protecting your eyes. Don’t let your eyes receive unnecessary damage: make sure you have a good pair of sunglasses with you at all times. More can be found here: www.thesunglassfix.com