Making the decision to provide your new employees with long term corporate housing can have a number of benefits to your company. As the San Francisco-based online newspaper SF Gate writes, by offering corporate housing rentals to your new hires, you actually increase their chances of accepting a position with your company. Further, long term corporate housing gives them stability, allowing them to feel comfortable and at home a lot faster. These things will have a definite impact on their morale.
Unfortunately, not all corporate housing companies will offer you quality housing that can actually bring those benefits to you and your new employees. Only by knowing how to choose the very best long term corporate housing options do you really stand to benefit.
What to Look for in Long Term Corporate Housing
- Location is Crucial
- Look for Great Amenities
- Choose an Option That Offers Long Term Discounts
The first thing you should consider when trying to choose a housing option is where each apartment will put your employees in relation to your offices and other important locations. Consider, placing your employees in an apartment that is an hour away is likely not going to endear them to you, nor is finding them housing that’s too far away from grocery stores and social venues. Remember, you’re trying to make them feel at home, so do your best to find something with great location.
For USA Today, few things are as important when choosing corporate housing as amenities. By now I probably sound like a broken record, but your goal is to make your employees feel at home, both in their new space and with your company. Housing options that offer all the comforts of home, from a well equipped living room and entertainment center to a fully stocked kitchen, will go a long way in this endeavor. You’d also do well to find a place that will allow your new hires to bring their pets with them.
One of the biggest benefits of using corporate housing services is that they’re usually much cheaper than other options, whether you’re talking about renting an apartment or a hotel room. As the online guide to relocating Move details, this discounted rental price isn’t guaranteed, so you need to be sure to look for a company that offers their housing at rates that are competitive with hotels in the first 30 days and vastly cheaper after those first 30 days are up. The best corporate housing services start charging markedly less money once your employee has been there for a month, but you should do your research to be sure this is something your option offers.
Have you used short term rentals or long term corporate housing to help improve your new employees transition into their new jobs? Tell us how you chose your corporate housing apartments in the comments below. More on this topic: elitecorporatehousing.com