Did you know that in 2013 alone, the average camper went on 5.4 camping trips? Camping is a great way to spend your time. Not only are you in the great outdoors, you’re able to take part in a number of activities that you probably can’t do in the comfort of your home. It’s estimated that 87% of campers take part in multiple outdoor activities, such as camping, hiking, and even cooking outdoors. However, camping can be a bit more difficult at certain times versus others. Lots of people want to go camping, but perhaps haven’t made preparations far enough in advance to go on the type of camping trip they originally envisioned. An estimated 34% of campers don’t make camp site reservations, which can lead them without a place to put their tents. For that matter, camping the old-fashioned day is more complicated now than it once was. In many places, you can only camp on land that is reserved for such activities, and often have to pay a fee in order to do so. Unless you know someone who is willing to let you camp on their private property, it can be difficult to find a camp site at the high points of the camping season. Many people often do want to camp, but run into difficulties, like juggling the desires of multiple people on one trip. You might be up for camping in a tent — but that doesn’t mean your companions will feel the same. For several reasons — which we’ll list below — many campers are now turning to cabins rather than tents. Camping with a cabin combines the conveniences of a cabin with the charm of old-fashioned camping. Let’s look into why people choose cabins over tents.
1. Familial Obligations
A lot of camping trips involve children. Camping is a great family activity, and lots of parents relish the idea of teaching their kids about nature by camping. This gets children away from electronic gaming devices and the TV, and brings families closer together. With that being said, kids — especially young children — aren’t always ready to camp in a tent. Very young children in particular often have sensitivities to bugs that might bite during the night, as well as the elements in general. Therefore, it’s a good idea for them to sleep indoors. Kids also tend to be less equipped to be patient with the strains that sometimes come with camping in tents — therefore, cabins might be better for children.
2. Convenience
Some people — for understandable reasons — don’t necessarily want to deal with the grime of camping in a tent. Just because you’re okay with it — if you are — doesn’t mean you should put your companions through something they’re not comfortable with. Cabins allow you to “rough it” a bit, while at the same time making it easier for people to keep clean. Most either have showers or baths available, as well as bathrooms. Cabins also come with small kitchens, allowing you to make some meals indoors if you want or need to — and you might need to, depending on the weather. A cabin isn’t the cushiest place to stay — so you’ll still be roughing it more than you would had you stayed home, and you probably won’t have access to the Internet or even in some cases electricity. But it’s a bit more convenient for those who aren’t ready to try old-fashioned camping completely.
3. Safety
It’s important to note that no matter how safe a camp site seems, it’s not 100% safe from animals and the elements. Even if you don’t attract animals though the food you bring, an unexpected storm could happen at any time. A cabin gives you a place to stay in case of emergency. It’s adequate shelter, whereas a tent could leave you out in the open. This is particularly important for campers who aren’t necessarily equipped with survival skills.