Travel has long been a significant facet of our culture in the United States. Whether for business or leisure, millions of Americans move around the country each day. Some of these trips are local, while others are more extensive. In the modern era, of course, we aren’t limited to the horse and buggies our ancestors used to traverse the terrain. These days, each time a trip is made, the biggest decision is choosing what vehicle will best suit your needs.
For long trips, motorcoaches are an extremely environmentally friendly option. Motorcoaches produce fewer emissions than other types of vehicles, they are more fuel efficient, and they remove approximately 55 cars from the road when traveling at full capacity. The main factor limiting more widespread adoption of motorcoach travel is the time it takes to get from Point A to Point B. If you’re traveling for a business meeting, for example, a motorcoach probably won’t be first on your list of transport options.
In many situations, especially when time is an important consideration, it is much more likely that someone will select air travel when covering long distances. In fact, it is estimated that approximately one third of all domestic business trips involve at least some air travel. In the United States alone, there are 378 primary airports that schedule commercial air services.
Thanks in large part to the growth of the airline industry, another transport industry has taken root and is growing rapidly: shuttle services. Many hotels located near airports, for example, have contracts with charter services to provide airport express shuttle service, taking the guesswork out of finding your way from the airport to your hotel. In many cases, these airport shuttles save you the hassle of hailing a much more expensive taxi!
Shuttle businesses, while perhaps most commonly associated with air travel, have grown well beyond the confines of the airport express shuttle service that immediately comes to mind. These days, you can rent a bus, van, limo, or whatever vehicle best suits your needs for local travel, as well. Whether you’re taking a class on a field trip, planning a single day bus tour of a new city, or traveling with a group of friends to a ball game or the prom, there is likely a shuttle service ready to fulfill your transportation needs.